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Aeronautical Ground Lighting (AGL)

We are the only UK Airfield Lighting training provider who offer City & Guilds Assured courses. Our Aeronautical Ground Lighting training courses are designed to assist in meeting the competency requirements of British Standard BS EN:61821:2011, and support those within Authorised Person/Engineering positions, who have the responsibility for the installation, control, operation or maintenance of AGL systems. We have two large training centres ideally situated in York and Slough which offer a variety of Airfield circuits within our switchrooms. These help to recreate realistic site scenarios using different types of Airfield Lighting equipment.

Aeronautical Ground Lighting (AGL)

Authorised Person (AP), Technician, Ground Lighting Training Courses
Aeronautical Ground Lighting (AGL)
Aeronautical Ground Lighting Technician (AGLT)
5 Days
Authorised Person Aeronautical Ground Lighting (APAGL)
3 Days
Authorised Person Aeronautical Ground Lighting (MOD) (AGLMOD)
On Request
3 Days
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